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Bowling at Bouchercon

Due to a computer meltdown, I haven't been able to post any pictures from Bouchercon. Fortunately I was able to back up my photos to my Drobo before the laptop died. Unfortunately, the temporary replacement I got didn't have the right connectors to hook up to the Drobo. But I'm happy to say that my laptop is finally repaired and I managed to restore just about everything that had been on it. 

For those of you who aren't familiar with it, Bouchercon is a yearly get together of mystery/crime fiction writers, publishers, and readers. Every year it is held in a different city. This year it was St. Louis (stay tuned for pictures from a short walk I made down the street to Busch Stadium). This year I focused on the special events more than the panels and signings. First up, the bowling tournament.





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